Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my learning journey

Am so excited being apart of the DADAMAC self directed learner. I came in as a newbie but today am a know it. i have learnt so many skills like opening of an email address, skype, you-tube, editing pictures and videos etc. All thanks to victor who invited me, fantsuam, Mr john dada, pam from UK, kelechi, and Emmanuel for being there as a bossom friend.Remain bless!

1 comment:

Pamela McLean said...

Hi Mercy
Congratulations on you blog. You were just starting it last time I saw it, during the training programme. Today I got a Google alert about you latest entry because you mentioned Dadamac, so I have visited and now I am a follower. This means that each time you publish a new entry I will know. I am going to send you blog address to my friends in the LearningFromEachOther group at
You, and other Fantsuam Self Directed Learniner are very welcome to join that group.